Under the AZ Abortion Access Act
(Prop 139 Constitutional Amendment):
Read more below.....
Abortion is already legal in Arizona up to 15 weeks and beyond for medical emergencies.
(95% of abortions occur before 15 weeks)
Under Prop 139, abortions could be performed from "viability" (24 months) to live birth at 9 months.
Under Prop 139. your minor daughter can have an abortion without you as her parent knowing. Prop 139 specifies: "every individual has a fundamental right to abortion." (no age specification, no parental consent mentioned)
Under Prop 139, a medical doctor is not necessary to perform an abortion. Prop 139 specifies a "health care professional" - who could be a nurse, dentist, chiropractor - anyone with a healthcare license.
You won't find the word "doctor" or "physician" in the amendment.
This language will affect serious injury from abortion like:
Because the Amendment creates a "fundamental right to abortion", any restriction on a government health care insurance plan would be seen as interfering with a woman or girls' fundamental right. Government health care coverage of other maternal services would require coverage for
abortions as well. This extra coverage/cost could be passed on to taxpayers.
Prop 139 protects sex offenders who may impregnate a minor and then seek an abortion for her but not disclose the relationship/sex offense: ."Penalizes any individual or entity for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual in exercising the individual’s right to abortion as provided in this section."
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